
Friday, January 8, 2016

Another overdue Christmas post (sorry not sorry)

After our quiet Christmas morning at home we headed to my parents house where in true Hobbit fashion, we ate second breakfast, opened stockings and then more presents! One of my very favorite gifts was an illustrated version of the first Harry Potter book! Gah!
Then we went out to my Aunt and Uncle's farm for lunch and Aiden got spoiled with more presents and he got to ride on a horse! More on that later because let's face it, I took enough pictures of Aiden on that horse to fill an entire post.
Then it was off to Drew's  Mom's house for Christmas round 4. We ate a delicious Christmas dinner then opened presents in our matching jammies and tried our best not to fall asleep face first in our dessert. I can't get over how amazing Aiden did all day (sans naps). He is quiet the party animal.
We are so blessed to have had such a full Christmas day. A day full of sweet family, full of good food, full of thoughtful gifts, full of love.


  1. So much love and fun on Christmas Day! The jammies are great.

  2. aiden is starting to look like such a little man!! and i woulda take tons of pictures of him on that horse, too - so adorable :)

  3. He is just so cute! I love his outfit in the first photo :)

  4. Y'all went to a lot of places! How fun! I just all of Aiden's outfits. :) He is such a cutie!


  5. Wonderful, wonderful Christmas!! Love this post! :) I can't wait to hear what you think of the Illustrated version of the Sorcerer's Stone!
