
Monday, January 4, 2016

Take me back to Christmas Morning

I can't let another day go by without beginning the recap of our Christmas! Just pretend it's still December, oh and still 2015. We had such a wonderful Christmas day, extremely busy, but wonderful.

I like for Aiden, Drew and I to have our morning at home just us. It's such a sweet way to start the day. We read the story of Jesus birth snuggled in bed together, cooked a big breakfast including the best french toast ever, let Aiden "open" his stocking and then it was time for presents. Just wait until you see what we got Aiden. Let's just say it's the gift that keeps on giving.

Here's a look at our Christmas morning, just the three of us...
Thomas the Train Powerwheel for the WIN!!!
After we managed to get Aiden away from Thomas for five seconds, it was nap time then off to my parent's house...


  1. I love that you guys spend your morning at home, just you. That's something I definitely want to do!

  2. Oh my goodness, your morning looks like it was precious! Aiden and that Thomas the Train are too cute!!!

  3. Super sweet! He LOVES that train. How perfect!

  4. He is looking so different and grown up all of a sudden!!! Oh my gosh, so so cute though! :)

  5. I'm so jealous you got that book! It was on my Christmas list, but sadly it has been moved to me birthday list! Happy Friday.
