
Monday, January 18, 2016

{Baby Approved} Healthy Smash Cake

healthy smash cake
As Aiden's first birthday approached I decided to look into making my own smash cake for him. Since he hadn't had a lot of sugar I didn't want him to be on sugar overload so I found a recipe for a somewhat "healthy" smash cake and it was surprisingly delicious! We ate the leftovers for breakfast for oh 3 days after his party so I promise, it's yummy. The recipe for the cake and icing are below...

Banana Smash Cake
5 ripe bananas
1/2 cup homemade applesauce
3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil (melted)
3 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 cups Whole Wheat Flour
3/4 cups Oat Flour (grind rolled oats in blender)
1 Tsp. Cinnamon

1.) Mash the bananas in in a medium bowl
2.) In a separate large bowl, mix the flours, baking soda and cinnamon together
3.) Add the mashed bananas, applesauce, coconut oil and vanilla to the flour mixture. Mix until just incorporated.
4.) Coat your pans with oil (I used two 8 inch round cake pans)
5.) Spread the batter into the bottom of the pans
6.) Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center)
7.) Cool the cakes before frosting

Cream cheese icing
1 cup (8 oz.) cream cheese
1/2 cup (4 oz.) no sugar added apple juice concentrate
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1.) Soften the cream cheese
2.) Whisk the cream cheese with the apple juice concentrate and vanilla extract until creamy. (It will take a little while for the cream cheese to get creamy, don't give up when it looks super runny, I promise it will thicken up. Just keep whisking, just keep whisking...

Once the cake is cooled, frost it and refrigerate until it is ready to be devoured! I made this cake the night before Aiden's party and it set up well and tasted great the next day!
first birthday cake
Inspirational Number Tee from The Blue Envelope


  1. I'll definitely keep this in mind for Ava's first birthday. I think the smash cake idea is so fun, but don't want it to have a ton of sugar! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Well that's awesome!!!! Good idea so he doesn't end up in a sugar coma ;)

  3. Yum, that does sound pretty good! I've seen a few recipes for a healthier cake that didn't look/sound nearly as appetizing hehe. Glad you found a winner!

  4. Hey! I could actually eat this cake, haha! Sounds yummy! :)

  5. Oh my goodness, it looks like he enjoyed it so much!!!! Sounds like a tasty cake! <3

  6. Thanks for the recipe! I am actually going to make it this weekend. We are having a birthday party and some of our guests cannot eat the sugary, chocolate cake on the menu. I am going to try this as an alternative :)
