
Friday, January 15, 2016

That time my baby rode a horse

Christmas day we went out to my Aunt & Uncle's farm for lunch and Aiden got a surprise. He got to ride a horse and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen, which is why the next bazillion pictures are all of my baby on a horse...Giddy up.
Aren't his boots just the cutest little things?
And as if riding a horse wasn't enough fun for one day, then Aiden got his own "hay ride." This kid is living the dream I tell ya. And I just love that he is wearing his Christmas suspenders in these pictures.
An abundance of cats, a real horsey ride and his own hayride? Well, I think Aiden now wants to live on the farm! I love that he will grow up being able to visit a family farm just like his mama did!


  1. Oooh I just love this!! What precious memories!!

  2. Soooo cute! What an adorable little guy. He looks like a natural on that farm. I think it's amazing when kids are exposed to agriculture.

  3. Aww, that is so cute and he was obviously having a blast! I can't imagine what my toddler would do if I tried to get him on a horse... I think he'd be terrified. He's kind of a cautious dude :)

    Shea |

  4. Oh my goodness, he is just too cute!

  5. cute.. those he enjoyed the wagon a lot more..

  6. These are seriously some of THE cutest pictures ever!!!! :)
