
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Because I'm not Superwoman

There are days when being a Mom is just plain exhausting. Who am I kidding...everyday as a Mom is exhausting. Rewarding and so wonderful, oh yes. But also exhausting. There are never enough hours in the day to do everything. I have my work to do list, then I have my home to do list. There are meals to be prepped, dishes to be washed, baby clothes to be folded, cats to be fed, a husband to encourage and love on, sippy cup parts to be cleaned, phone calls to return, bills to pay...the list goes on and on and no matter how hard I try, I can never get everything done.

I am also the queen of multitasking and love crossing things of my to-do list. So when I have my list ready to go and I cross off absolutely nothing all day, it could be very discouraging.

Wake up, try to get things done, FAIL miserably, repeat.

But you can't view every day like that. It's not healthy and I am not superwoman, I'm something else. Something better. I am Aiden's Mom.

"All of the sudden, what's valuable is not the multitasking, but the single task...being with him, only him, doing nothing else." -Shauna Niequist
So on the days when I start to feel bad about the piles of laundry I haven't done, or the meals I haven't cooked, I look at my son, who I managed to get out of his pajamas, feed and entertain and I have to remind myself, Good job Mama. You may not have done everything today, but you are taking care of your son and that's a big deal. You made him waffles for breakfast, played Peekaboo, sang to him, rocked him, read him all his favorite books, snuggled him, loved on him and that's enough for today.

That is the sunshine in my pocket...What I pull out when I'm discouraged.

So when you feel overwhelmed about all the things you aren't doing, simply stop, give yourself some grace and remind yourself of the things that you are doing. I promise you are doing more than you think.


  1. Beautiful post, friend! I feel discouraged a lot with things I don't get to/can't accomplish in a day and I know that will only grow once we add a child to the mix. It's a great reminder that as long as our loved ones (and ourselves!) are happy and healthy and loved, that some of the other things really don't matter ;)

  2. Such a wonderful thought. It's easy to focus on the unaccomplished tasks and completely forget how productive we are in other areas of our life. Oftentimes, those areas of our life are so much more important!

  3. Beautifully written, friend! Those moments with Aiden are SO precious!

  4. This post was amazing. I love that quote, and love that you can see how much you REALLY are doing for your sweet little boy! Loving him in a day is enough :) you're an amazing momma!

  5. So true! Thanks for the reminder :)

  6. While I'm not a mom this is still a wonderful reminder. Aiden is lucky to have you as his mom!

  7. I love this! So sweet and true! Also these photos! I love them!

  8. This is fantastic! I can sympathize totally. My daughter just had a five day period of being literally attached to me and today I gave up, and did NOTHING but care for her, and guess what, she's all better! They just need us to love on them (and need us to steal food from...)!
