
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Oh hey there blog world...{Life Lately}

So I've been a little MIA around here lately. No reason in particular, but life is just busy and my time has been filled up to the brim with my little family and some changes at work. So I thought I'd do a little life lately post.

I've been wearing...My new Girlfriend Chinos from GAP (I'm also loving that I got them for 50% off)

I've been watching...11/22/63. You guys. This show is amazing. The book is one of my absolute favorites and I was so worried they would mess it up when they turned it into a show. But it is exceeding my expectations! Thank you James Franco. New episodes stream on Mondays on Hulu.

I've been drinking...Island Green Smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe. So good. I think I have a problem when every time I go in, the cashier knows my order and says "See you tomorrow!" Haha.

I've been dreaming about...our summer vacation to South Carolina at the end of May!!!

I've been listening to...a lot of Disney music. I have a Disney Pandora station that Aiden and I like to have dance sessions to in the afternoons.

I've been reading...books like crazy. I'm obsessed. I'm almost always reading one book and listening to another. My current favorites: The Girl You Left Behind by JoJo Moyes and All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

I've been laughing at...these mom comics. They are spot on and I think I've done every single one.

I've been cooking...irregularly. But when I do, it's almost always something from Pioneer Woman, Chef in Training or Mix & Match Mama!

This recipe is quickly becoming my all time favorite. And this one is a close second. Both are easy and delicious.

And because Aiden is growing up way too quickly and I haven't posted any real updates since 12 months, I'm including a few of my current favorite Aiden pictures. He is so much fun and has quite the personality. The kid could just live outside!
Shirt from Shop Jumping Jack
What have you been up to lately?
Catch me up!


  1. R loves being outside too! She just takes it all in :)

  2. Aiden has to be kidding me. He seriously has a perfect face. I get the goofiest grin every time I see a new picture of him!

  3. I just can't believe how big Aiden is getting! He's such an adorable tiny little man! :)

  4. Oh hey there cute little Aiden! :) I totally listen to the Disney Pandora station a LOT haha- it makes cleaning my house more fun!

  5. Aiden is seriously so adorable! I've heard a lot of people talk about the 11/22/63 show, but I haven't watched it yet. Maybe I need to read the book first though. And hooray for your South Carolina vacation! You're going to love it!

  6. Aiden is such a freakin cutie!! :)

  7. Ooh I have 11/22/63 on my to read shelf, and this makes me excited to get to it... also loved your other current reads. Toooo many books, too little time - listening to some is a great idea to combat that! Yay for upcoming vacations and outdoor time! A little less of that here in Michigan so far, but it's coming :)
