
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

First Trimester Rewind {The return of the bump}

Oh the first trimester. So much excitement and so many symptoms. When I was pregnant with Aiden, I honestly felt great in my first trimester. I was tired, but I was hardly nauseous at all and I slept really well right up to the very end (with a little help from my pregnancy pillow.) Don't hate me for that, because I've pretty much made up for it with this pregnancy. Nausea, insomnia, weight gain, oh my.  But I can't even be mad about it because every symptom means there's a baby that is growing inside of me and that fills me with so much joy.

So my first trimester included lots of eating (the only thing that made me feel less nauseous), taking naps with Aiden and reading in bed at 3AM when I couldn't sleep. There were doctors visits, our first ultrasound and the return of my bump, which has decided to pop out way earlier than last time. I personally am super excited about this (my pants are not so excited though so I got rid of them. Haha.) Here's my first trimester in pictures....
"So you're saying I am going to have to share you?!"

And of course a few weekly bump pictures! 
I have already come to terms with the fact that this time around I will not do a bump picture each week. I'm sure you're all super disappointed. Ha.

So all you Mamas out there with multiple kiddos, what are some must haves for Baby #2?


  1. So very excited for you! As always, Aiden is killing me in these pictures. Seriously, his haircut?! I'm obsessed. He looks so precious!

  2. You are so stinkin adorable. I just know Aiden will make the best big brother! :)

  3. Adorable!!! Congrats!!! Briley just for hand-me-downs and I never felt bad about it. She does get plenty of new clothes and such from the grands! She wants for nothing ha. Your going to do great with two just as you did with Aiden!

  4. you are so cute. and i kinda love the picture of aiden crying at the doctor's! but i'm sure he'll be a fabulous big brother :)

  5. Ahh, you look fantastic! Aiden will be a great big brother too. Once he realizes that there is enough of mama for everyone. :)

    I love the bump photo with the cat, obviously.

    So sorry to hear the first trimester was rough with symptoms. You've got a great attitude about it though! I hope the remaining two trimesters are smooth sailing and symptom minimal.

  6. Love this! The picture of Sawyer snuggling with your bump, ahhh! Sooo sweet. Can't wait to chat today!


  7. Congratulations on your new adorable bump! Aiden will be such a good big brother!

    Must-haves for baby #2:
    - a baby k'tan (or other easy newborn carrying device) - I used mine for hours every day in the beginning!
    - a fully baby/toddler proofed room in your house with a seat to nurse
    - one of those stretchy infant seat covers that double as a nursing cover (pretty sure they didn't have those when our October 2014 babies were little!)

  8. AH! Love this! So sorry the first trimester was rough on you, but I'm glad you are starting to feel better now! Such sweet pictures. :)

  9. Love love love! You are always beautiful Allison but you totally have that pregnant glow going now too :) When do you find out the gender?!!
