
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Some beach, somewhere {Where we spent our Anniversary }

Drew and I celebrated 7 years of marriage on Lake Michigan with a family getaway. It was a perfect way to celebrate...on the beach with our little man! I also got to see some of my college girlfriends while I was in Michigan and then we ended our trip by visiting my sister and brother in law. We packed a lot in to one week and had so much fun!
This was our first family trip to Michigan and we loved it. We stayed in a small beach town called St. Joseph and it had everything we could've wanted in a beach town. The beach (duh!), cute restaurants, ice cream, a splash pad, fruit farms and even a historic carousel. Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip...

Some of our favorite St. Joe spots:
Silver Beach (Eat at Silver Beach Pizza or take a pizza to go and eat it on the beach!)
Whirlpool Compass Fountain (Splash pad)
Bredeweg Acres for Blueberry Picking

Do you have a favorite spot in Michigan? 
I'm curious to know more about cute little Michigan beach towns!


  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! Happy 7 years!

  2. Next time you'll have to get a little farther up the coast to Holland. Just as cute and just as much beach :) Saugatuck (about 15 min. from Holland) is also great. Looks like a fabulous time for your little family - so great! And I love your swimsuit! I have found that style is perfect for playing at the beach with a kiddo :)

  3. The picture of you 3 in front of the carousel is my new favorite of your little family. That's a framer for SURE! :) Also, what camera do you have? These pictures are seriously all SO good, the colors are awesome girl- you've got a natural talent with photos! :) I've never been to Michigan but would love to- maybe we can make this spot our first family vacay next year!

  4. What a fun way to celebrate your anniversary! Sounds like such a cute little town too!

  5. AWww... What a precious getaway! Glad you guys had fun!
