
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My "baby" is 22 months old

Matching shirts from Shop Jumping Jack
Today Aiden is a mere 2 months away from being a TWO year old. With baby #2 on the way, I find myself staring at him even more frequently, soaking up every cuddle, every toothy grin, every giggle. I keep telling myself to stop referring to him as my baby and start calling him my big boy.
*cue hormonal pregnancy tears.
He is growing and changing so quickly and I just love all his little quirks. He still loves being outside and has become such a good helper. He always picks up the cat's food bowls when they finish eating and hands them to me, closes drawers and the fridge when they are "left open," picks up trash on the ground to throw away, etc. He is the biggest sweetheart ever and gives us kisses on demand. I never want that to end! My new favorite thing he does is call Drew, "Drew, Da-da." He picked up on me calling Drew by his name a few months ago and so he tacked that on to Da-da all on his own. It's hilarious. Last night after Drew kissed him goodnight, Aiden said, "Goodnight, Drew Da-da." Seriously. It's adorable.
Here are some of Aiden's favorites at 22 months...

Favorite Foods: Watermelon, Yogurt, Chipotle rice bowl and quesadillas, Bananas, Oatmeal, English muffin pizzas, Grilled cheese and Donuts. This kid loves donuts and lives for Saturday mornings when Daddy comes in the front door with a white box. He still won't just straight up eat vegetables unless they are in a pouch, mixed with somethin or pureed (the only exceptions to this are potatoes and black beans), but really who can blame him?

Favorite Hobbies: Bubble baths, Pushing toy cars all over the arms of our leather chair, walking his Thomas Train or Firetruck around the neighborhood and greeting our neighbors, being read to, throwing rocks in the creek by our house, chasing around the kitties and pulling Sawyer's tail.

Favorite Toys: Mr. Fox, Thomas the Train Push Toy, Little Tikes Water table, Any truck, train, plane or cars character.

Favorite Movie/T.V. Shows: Pixar's Cars, Thomas the Train, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Sid the Science Kid, Peg + Cat Sesame Street (Elmo's World).

Favorite Books: Roadwork, Little Blue Truck, Goodnight Gorilla, Indesctructible books (Baby Faces, Beach Baby, Baby Peekaboo), Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See, Thank You God, "The Mama book" (a recordable book I made for him when I had to go out of town a few months ago).

Sleeping Habits: Sleeps from 7-7 and has been pretty consistent with this schedule for about a year now. Praise Jesus.

Most frequently said words and phrases: "Watch Cars", Mama, Dada (or lately: Drew-Dada), Kitty, Donut, Bubble bath, Go hide (he loves  playing hide and seek with us!), "More Yum Yum" (granola bar), Big truck, Lawn Mower, Go Outside, Brush teeth, "Ready, set, Go!"

New things this month:

  • He is starting to sing! When I say, Old MacDonald had a farm, on cue he says E-I-E-I-O! It's the cutest thing ever. 
  • He now knows all the characters from the movie Cars and all the names of the trains from Thomas. (Should I be proud or embarrassed? We obviously have watched these shows a time or two. Haha. I choose proud.)
  • Two months ago we transitioned away from his pacifier so, no more Wubbanubs! I didn't have to use any special tricks, just slowly took it away and he eventually stopped asking for it! 
  • He is finally loving the church nursery. Finally. 
  • He is starting to add possessives to words..."Mama's shoes, Aiden's shoes, Dada's shoes, etc." 

He is just the happiest, sweetest, smartest kid ever (says every Mom ever.) But's true.


  1. I was just telling Chuck yesterday, how crazy is it that our baby is closer to 2 than he is to 1?! I can't even think about it!

    I'm hoping the Binky transition goes as smoothly for Charlie as it did for Aiden because right now it's Binky all day, e'ry day. Lol

  2. What a little sweetie! I think that is so hilarious that he tacked Drew onto Da da! Kids pick up on so much.

    My son is a Thomas nut too! We went to a Thomas event over the weekend and he got sooo excited when he saw Thomas.

    I still call my son "the baby" too and he's 19 months old. Totally not a lon actual baby anymore but always MY baby!

  3. Seriously, how is he almost two?! That's blowing my mind. I love that he calls Drew "Drew Da-Da." Kids are so smart.

  4. Ah! This is one of my favorite ages! 18 months to 4 years is SUCH a fun time! Kiddos learn and grow and change so much every day in that range. It's just so fun! Oh, and Mallory is 4 and yet I still call her my baby. I just can't help it. ;)

  5. He's so sweet and adorable!! Love seeing pictures of him and I love the matching shirts! I haven't dressed Leah and I alike yet - but maybe I should. haha.
