
Monday, August 29, 2016

Pregnancy Files 2: {The Bump Week 16}

Best Moment this week: Feeling baby move around for the first time! It's always such a slightly weird and yet truly amazing feeling. It doesn't get old.

Food cravings: Cheese and crackers, oranges, Chipotle (same as with Aiden!)

Movement: YES! I didn't feel any movements with Aiden until 20 weeks so these next few weeks are a bonus for me!

Symptoms: Tired due to my pregnancy insomnia, always hungry, terrible pregnancy brain and some lower back pain. But I'm very excited about my upcoming maternity massage (paid for by wellness dollars from work). Yay! I didn't have one during my pregnancy with Aiden, but this time around I plan to get a few on the company dime. Haha.

Nursery: Wait, we have to do the nursery thing again? Haha. We are working on decluttering and organizing items in our current craft room/office before we can do any real work. But I do have some nursery ideas pinned (they are all for a girl though. Hmmm.)

Letter for Baby:
Dear Little Sweetheart,
I am so excited for you to join our family. I can't believe in a few months we will be a family of four. With all the excitement surrounding you, my biggest fear is that you will not feel as loved as your brother did because you have to share me right from the start. I'm already behind on your nursery and on these posts (even this one I started two weeks ago and am just posting), which isn't a big deal, but it makes me feel a little guilty. I do think of you so often, but your brother keeps me busy and I don't get to spend as much time dreaming of our time together as I did with him. But baby, I promise to give you all the love I have to give. You are already such a special gift to us and we want you to know that from the start. My prayer for you this week is that you feel loved even now as you grow inside me. I pray my love for you radiates through to you and washes over your little body like a tidal wave.

Your Mama
 "This is the life" tank top found here.

See my 16 week post with Aiden here.


  1. You look so cute! Enjoy that massage, you deserve it!

  2. Aww, I love when you share your letters-to-baby! So precious. I'm so excited for you guys to be a family of four! And for your upcoming massage. :)

  3. You look fantastic! I think many parents have those same fears about their second child, but your little one will know how much you love them. :)

  4. So fun you get to feel kicks a little earlier!
