
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Buddy the Elf in Toddler Form

Aiden is at the perfect age this year to soak up the magic of Christmas. He is so full of Christmas cheer and it is the most adorable thing ever. I want to freeze these moments and bottle them up, but since I can't do that, I wanted to capture a few of my favorite things he is doing this holiday season here on the blog so I can look back on them someday and smile...

He loves snow and ice. Cold temperatures will NOT stop him from asking to go outside.

He requests Hot chocolate with marshmallows every single day and often requests to listen to the Polar Express "Hot Chocolate" song while we drink. I just ordered these children's mugs from World Market and I'm so excited to get them and use them all winter! (On sale now!)
He loves when we have a fire in the fireplace.

Knows the characters of the Christmas story and can name them all (Mary, Joseph, The Wise Men, Shepherds, Angel, Baby Jesus, etc.) He is convinced Baby Jesus is sleeping on grass and not hay and sometimes he gets Baby Alder and Baby Jesus confused since those are the two babies we always talk about. Haha.

Favorite phrases: "Santa's coming." "Christmas time is here." "More marshmallows, peaase."
Requests we watch Elf aka "the elf buddy," Frozen, Polar Express and Charlie Brown Christmas all the time.

Every movie and song we listen to or watch MUST be Christmas related. He is OBSESSED with The Polar Express Soundtrack and knows a lot of the words to the songs. He also loves the Charlie Brown Soundtrack and dances around like the Peanuts characters in our kitchen.

He could sit and watch our electric train go around the Christmas tree for hours.
Loves reading Christmas books (Favorites: Fa La La, Christmas in the Manger, Little Blue Truck's Christmas, Pete the Cat Saves Christmas and Merry Christmas, Daniel Tiger.

Sweets and Treats 24/7...Gingerbread house making = candy face stuffing.

Loves ornaments and looking at lights.
Requests "Mama, sing Jesus" every night before I put him in his bed. (Jesus Loves Me)

When we talk about going to a Christmas party, he asks if there will be lights and jingle bells there.

He sat through a two hour church production of the Christmas story in complete awe and amazement.

When I put him in his bed at night and say "I love you" he responds (completely unprompted) with Merry Christmas!!!

I love this season so much already, but with a little one around, it is even more magical and sweet.


  1. So sweet! Landry wants Jesus loves me before bed too!! Those mugs are adorable! I'm tempted to buy them and it won't even be Christmas by the time they get here!

  2. I love that he sat through the whole Christmas performance at church! That is awesome. R is a bit younger, so she's not quite old enough to be totally into it, but it's already SO much more fun than last year with her. Can't wait for next year! :)

  3. AH! I just love this whole post!! I hope my future kids love Christmas this much!! :)
