
Friday, December 23, 2016

Unexpected Gifts

This has been a season full of unexpected gifts for our little family. God loves to lavish His love on us, but this month in particular, I have felt His love surround me and overflow over us! I feel like often times when something good happens I tend to think, "Oh, it's my lucky day!" But I have been trying to shift my thinking to begin thanking God more frequently for all the gifts that cross my path each day. I like the wording the Message uses in James 1:17 "Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light." I love that imagery of gifts being poured down on us like rivers of light. It just makes me smile.

I mentioned briefly in a previous post that I recently transitioned to part time at work. Financially, this is a hit for us, but it is one my husband and I both think is worth the sacrifice so I can be home more with my babies (so crazy to make that word plural!) Going part time right before the holidays and right when we needed to buy a few big nursery items could have been stressful. But I wasn't worried. I knew the decision was right for our family and that with careful planning and God's provision, we would be just fine. But the selfish part of me was a little sad that I couldn't splurge on some items I've been wanting to "buy myself" for Christmas. #truth

Well, I've been completely blown away by some very unexpected gifts this last month and I just have to document them here because God is so faithful. In a season where I was expecting less, He is pouring out more and I want to be able to look back on this season and remember that.

Here are a few unexpected gifts that we have received lately...

+I got an unexpected bonus at work for some extra work I had taken on over the last six months. I was not expecting this at all and was simply doing what I believe God called me to do. We used that money to buy almost all the furniture we needed for Alder's nursery.

+Christmas bonus. I went out and bought paint and paint supplies for the nursery. 

+I won a brand new Chicco bassinet and FawnDesign backpack (that I've been drooling over) in an Instagram Giveaway. This Mama's heart went pitter patter and I'm totally putting them under our Christmas tree for me to "open" Christmas morning. 

+I won another Instagram giveaway (2 within two weeks, whattttt?!) A $50.00 gift card to another shop I have admired, Gathre.

+It started getting ridiculous when I won another Instagram giveaway to WildBird. Allowing me to add another ring sling to my collection that was on my Christmas list.

+Our crib was purchased for us and delivered to our house.

+My husband got offered extra money for a very easy and simple job that he can do at school that won't keep him there any later than normal. This money will come in next month, just in time to help with some diapers and wipes when Alder gets here.

+My boss emailed me and the staff wants to throw me a baby shower at work in a few weeks.

Then there's the unexpected gift of Jesus to the world that has been consuming my thoughts especially these last few weeks leading up to Christmas. I love this quote from the She Reads Truth Advent devotional, "God loves to birth hope from the impossible. This is the Truth that lies in a manger." Even if life is not merry and bright for you right now, I pray that you would seek Him, trust Him and watch for the gifts that He is already pouring out on you.

Do you ever just stop and think about all the good gifts that God has given you in just one day, one week, one month? I know that if we choose to be thankful that we will be more joyful people and will start looking for the gifts in each day instead of the trials.

What unexpected gift have you received lately?



  1. First off, I need to start entering instagram giveaways!! haha. I never think I'm going to win so I never enter...well that's going to change! haha. I'm soooo happy you've been showered with unexpected gifts, you guys are obviously very loved!! :)

  2. This is so great Allison. I had my eye on those mats and that bassinet! You'll have to let me know how they are. Merry Christmas to you guys!

  3. This is lovely - and clearly you are a lucky girl in many ways :) Merry Christmas!!

  4. Unexpected but totally deserved. It's amazing how God takes care of His people. I am so happy for you and all the amazing things that are in store for you and your sweet family. I hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas.

  5. Wow so many amazing things! I'm so glad you are able to work part time. That is wonderful.

  6. Ah! So many wonderful things! :)

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