
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

On the eve of my 32nd birthday...

On the eve of my 32nd birthday...

I did not wear any make up.

I took Aiden to the park and walked through the creek looking for buffalo. (Toddlers are hilarious)

I wore a t-shirt that said "Mama All Day Everyday" and didn't change out of it after being spit up on.

I made my silliest faces to get my baby to giggle.

I played on the floor with both my boys and thought to myself how blessed I am to watch them grow.

I did 3 loads of laundry (and folded none of it).

I danced around the kitchen to Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop the Feeling." wearing Alder in my ring sling as I cooked dinner (*note to 32 year old self: I am way better at multitasking now than ever before)

I watched my toddler laugh hysterically at Winnie the Pooh as he watched it for the first time.

I read books to both boys, prayed over them, sang Jesus loves Me and kissed each of them goodnight.

I rewatched an old episode of Parenthood and cried.

I talked to my Mom on the phone.

I kissed my husband goodnight and he told me how happy he was to be by my side as I get old, to take care of me and watch me as a Mama. (Bless that man)

I smiled really big laying in bed thinking of all my blessings in my (almost) 32 years of life and how I wouldn't trade this life of mine for anything.


  1. Sounds like the perfect way to ring in 32! Happy birthday!

  2. FEELS. Happy birthday, friend. May this be your very best year yet.

  3. Oh so precious! What a good day before the birthday! Happy 32nd, friend! Hope today is awesome for you!

  4. I love this so much! What a gift and an encouragement a heart of contentment is!! Happy Birthday!!! Praying you would feel the Lord near and you would continue to walk in what he has for you!!!

    PS: "I did 3 loads of laundry (and folded none of it)." Me too!!! hahah!

  5. How heart-warming! Hope you had a happy birthday! My church congregation always sings Jesus Loves Me after a child is baptized. :)

  6. <3<3<3 Happy birthday, dear girl!

  7. Super sweet post! Happy Birthday! Hope you have an even better year than the last!
