
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Our Family Summer Bucketlist

We are almost in July already (how is that possible?!) but I still wanted to post our family Summer bucket list. Some of these things are already crossed off the list, but we still want to knock out a bunch more before summer ends! This year our Summer Bucketlist is all about having fun on a budget. We aren't going on an actual vacation beachside this year, but we plan to have just as much fun enjoying things our city and surrounding cities have to offer. 

Indianapolis Zoo
Indianapolis Children's Museum
Columbus Zoo
Visit as many splash pads as possible
Findlay Market
Washington Park picnic
Let Aiden experience his first Rootbeer Float at the Rootbeer Stand
Aiden's first Red's Game
Go see Cars 3
Touch a Truck
Dinner date at a new restaurant
Celebrate our 8th Anniversary just the 2 of us
Take Alder swimming
Let Aiden stay up late to catch lightning bugs
Hike a new trail

What's on your Summer Bucketlist?