
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wedding Month-Our Engagement Story

I hope you love weddings because since I've started blogging I've been anxious to post about my own special day. I decided to wait until the actual month it happened for affect. So that month is here and I will be sharing some of my wedding details with you randomly throughout this month. I'm going to start with our engagement story, but if you want to read about how we met click here, here, here and here.
Drew and I had been dating for 7 years before we got engaged. Yes I said 7 years. We started dating when I was 16 so it only made sense to date for that long. At that point we both knew that we were going to get married and I thought that there was no way Drew could surprise me, well I was wrong. All summer I had thought that Drew was going to propose to me, but summer came and went and no ring. September was the start to my first year of teaching so I had plenty of other things on my mind. September 19th started out as a normal Friday. It was spirit day at school and Drew asked me if I wanted to meet a few of our friends for dinner at Applebees that night and it was set. Right before he was supposed to pick me up he called and said he had to run by his grandmas and asked if I could meet him at the restaurant. No problem...I thought nothing of it. Before I left, my mom kept asking me if I wanted to wear something a little nicer than a Bengals jersey to dinner and I thought that was very strange. Normally I care about how I look, but I was tired and didn't feel at all like changing so out the door I went in my Bengals jersey, hair up in a messy pony tail. I get to Applebees and the couple we were supposed to meet was no where in sight so I sat down to wait. The host came over to me and said "Um are you Allison?" I said yes and then he handed me a heart shaped box. At that point I knew...I was getting proposed to. I opened the box and inside was a note telling my mushy gushy sweet things and then leaving me with my next destination..."It does seem like a great time to breeze through the air on a swing out at a school you spent your first years at some time ago..." Now if you read how we met you know that he is recreating our first date.
 Oh and did I mention that one of Drew's friends was at Applebees videotaping my reaction from a nearby booth? Ha. It is some priceless footage let me tell you. So at this point I'm freaking out...and then I had to get in my car and drive. I was beyond excited until I realized what I was wearing...I couldn't get proposed to in a Bengals jersey! Luckily my house was on the way to the school so I swung in pulled on one of my favorite dresses and sprinted out the door. Drew was waiting for me on the swings. We made small talk for a minute and then it happened...he got down on one knee and proposed. The pictures you see are only a small amount compared to the many that were taken. My sister in law was hiding in a piece of playground equipment with my mom's professional camera on the action setting clicking away.

 I cried, I laughed and then I realized I had people co call! I couldn't get a hold of ANY ONE. So Drew mentioned he thought my parents were eating at Montgomery Inn and we should just go meet them and off we went. Little did I know another surprise was waiting for me. We walked in, they directed us upstairs and we walk in to a room filled with my family and friends. I cried again and then we enjoyed an amazing night celebrating with some of my favorite people!
 That was just the beginning of the fun!


  1. Aww! What an awesome proposal! Can't wait to hear more!

  2. what a sweet, sweet story!! i love surprises like that :) can't wait to read more!

  3. ah! so great!! What a remarkable evening!

  4. What a sweet engagement story! Can't wait for all the wedding posts : )

  5. AWW! Can't wait to hear more of your guys' story!!

  6. That is so sweet! Thanks for commenting on my wedding post! It's neat we share our anniversary month! Congrats!

  7. That sounds like one of the most well thought out and adorable proposals. You're a lucky gal!

  8. That is so sweet. A playground? Too cute, you kids :)

  9. I love this! You guys are so adorable. Congrats on two years of marriage!

  10. Your engagement story is SO CUTE! I love that you went home to change before he popped the question--cracks me up, but I have to say I would have done the same ;) adorable! REALLY enjoying reading your blog, I just started following, and I am already hooked! Happy Holidays!!
