Thursday, March 22, 2012

A North Carolina Wedding!

This past weekend my friend Bekah and I headed to North Carolina for our dear friend Ali's wedding. The weather was amazing in North Carolina and we had a great trip...we even managed to squeeze in a few days at the beach. But let's start with our road trip wasn't exactly ideal. We decided to drive because we wanted to be able to jaunt around in NC. We told our friend Ali "We went through hail for you..." (spoken in a Kentucky accent so hail sounds like hell) because we literally went through hail and horrible storms and ended up stopping under an overpass because we couldn't see a single thing! It was all worth it though. Here are some classic road trip pictures...
Food, scenery, and bathroom pictures
We got there just in time to get our nails done at the salon with the other girls and then head to the church for the rehearsal. Ali was the most laid back bride ever and it was perfect that the rehearsal dinner was on the patio at one of my favorite pizza places, The Mellow Mushroom. Yum!
That night Bekah and I got to stay with the bride to be for her last slumber party as a single lady. We woke up the next morning excited for what the day held. We went to an adorable salon to get our hair done and then headed to the chapel...
There was so much love evidenced on this wedding day it makes my heart happy just to think about it. Allison is a beautiful girl inside and out and her day was a testimony of God's faithfulness. She is now married to a wonderful man with the hopes of serving in India together someday. So amazing. I am so happy that I was able to be a part of Allison and Blake's special day!
Beach pictures to come...


Elisha said...

you should've come and visited meee!!!

Anonymous said...

lovely pictures!!!

Kira said...

I love your rehearsal dinner dress, so fun!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Looks like such a fun time you all had--a what a beautiful wedding!

Erin said...

Beauuutiful wedding- the bride is gorgeous!! :) Glad you had a fun/eventful roadtrip!!

Stephanie Shepherd said...

It sounds like quite the road trip experience! Glad you made it there, and safe!!

Elsha said...

you lucky girl! that looks like a blast! i would love to be on the beach right now!

Megan said...

Love these fun!