
Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Letters!

Dear Gray Hairs,
Adios suckers! I am loving my new hair color without you. Please stay away so I don't have to shell out so much cash to get rid of you again!
Dear Birthday,
You are less than a week away! I hope I always look forward to you no matter how old I get. Birthdays are just too fun not to love!
Dear Tom's,
I don't own a pair of you yet and I'm hoping that will change next week. *Hint Hint hubby.
Dear Summer Vacation,
I am absolutely 100% in love with you. Please sloooowwww down! 
 Dear Hot Stone Massage, 
Hands down out of my 3 massages I've ever received in my life you are my favorite.
#massageconnoisseur If I was rich I would get you once a week.
Dear Etsy Shop,
I am sorry I have neglected you lately, but somehow you are still making sales! New items will be in the shop soon that I'm really excited about!!
Dear Sweet Husband, 
I love our weekly Chipotle dates and I love that you are teaching a survival camp to 5th and 6th graders. I know that I will always be safe with you! P.S. You could be a model. How did I end up with you...oh yeah I remember I took you off the market when you were a young age of 17. Haha.
 Happy Friday Friends!!!


  1. Gray hairs!? You poor thing..but you can barely tell you have them in the "before" photos.. they sort of look like sun lightened strands of hair. Also, I knew you would LOVE the hot stone massage!!! If I was rich, I would also get them once a week :) And I hope you get those Toms you are hoping for! Have a great weekend

  2. Love your hair! And happy birthday next week! I love birthdays too. Mine's in less than a month now. Summer birthdays rock.

  3. Aww, I love all of these :) I've never done the hot stone massage, just the normal swedish ones! I'm intrigued now!! Do they literally just lay stones all over you?! LOL, I have no clue!

    What day is your bday?! I hope you get some TOMS, I've had two pairs and I LOVE them. I wear them as much as possible!

  4. I want some Toms too! But they are so expensive and I wonder if they last long.

    My husband loves going to Chipotle for dates :)

  5. It's lunch time now, and let me just say, you've convinced me to go with Chipotle now =)

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I
    Love meeting other fellow Cincy bloggers! I married my high school sweetheart in 2009 too:) Anyway, I've never gotten a hot stone massage before. Sounds amazing!

  7. I have two pairs of flat TOMS and a pair of wedges that I adore! The perfect shoe to slip on and go. I hope your hubs picks up on the hint;-)

  8. I am new to your blog and love it! Toms are wonderful, you will just love them! Hope you get them for your birthday!

  9. Happy early Birthday! Your hair looks gorgeous!!!

  10. Tom's are the best! I now own two pairs. I want more.

    Your hair looks great.

    And eeeppp. Happy almost birthday. I hope you're planning birthday pancakes.

  11. found you through the link up :)

    My birthday is less than a week away also. Woohoo!

    Love your new hair.

  12. Love the new hair! Looks great. Also, toms are awesome...just got my first pair a few weeks ago! Happy weekend!

  13. Your new hair color looks great! I too love Chipotle. Now I am hungry..(:

  14. Love your hair! And a hot stone massage really is amazing, huh? I've always kind of wondered... But I think you've managed to convince me that I need one!

  15. love the new hair color! Grays be gone!

  16. ow ow look at that hair!! So pretty! :)

  17. Your hair looks so pretty! Lucky girl- massage and hair! And, if I was rich I would definitely invest in a massage at least once a week- but, realistically, it would probably be more like once a day. HA! In my dreams! Hope you're having a great week!

