
Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Recap and the best burgers ever!

My weekend can be summed up in three words: family.bonding.time. Saturday night we spent the evening at my wonderful in-laws house to celebrate my birthday, my sister in law's birthday and father's day. This father's day was very meaningful to all of us because we found out my father in law is in remission from Multiple Myeloma, which is a form of bone cancer. I'm so thankful to have this man as my father in law. He truly is like a second dad to me and his perseverance through this hard time has been inspiring.

Sunday we went to visit my grandpa who has been in the hospital for a few months. It was very emotional because he is now receiving hospice care and is not himself at all. I went with my mom, dad and Drew and we all got emotional talking about what an amazing father and grandfather my grandpa has been. He is a special man and I'm thankful to have had 27 wonderful years with him.

After that we went to my parents house and Drew and I fixed the best burgers ever (as told to me by Pinterest). We hung out on the back porch, took a trip to our favorite local ice cream spot and then decided to have a Star Wars marathon. It was so nice just to relax with my parents and my brother and spend the day at my home sweet home.
And here's the recipe for the Best Burgers ever and the secret sauce. They seriously were awesome and everyone was asking me what was in them.
Here's what you need for the burgers: (Anything without a specific measurement is to add to taste)
Ground beef (I used about 3 pounds of ground beef)
2 cups Monterrey Jack Cheese
1/4 C. BBQ Sauce (I used Sweet Baby Rays)
Onion Powder
Black Pepper

Mix all together in a large bowl then form into inch thick patties. Cook on grill.

Here's what you need for the sauce:
3/4 Cup mayo
1/4 Cup ketchup
1/4 Cup Relish
Lawry's Seasoned salt
2 T. Worcestershire sauce

Combine ingredients in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Try spreading this on your bun making these the best burgers ever!


  1. YUM!! Those burgers sound amazing. For some reason I have just been wanting burgers ALL the time!

  2. Sounds super yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.. am hosting a BBQ this weekend and would love to try it out!

  3. Posting about burgers? I like you already ;)

    Glad you FIL is in remission and hoping that your grandpa gets better. That's always so tough :(

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. i think i might NEED these burgers...right now...

  5. Glad to hear the good health news about your FIL! I'm sorry to hear about your never is easy. I was dealing with that this time last year. But I'm glad you were able to spend a lot of quality time with your family and enjoy some yummy burgers!

  6. your father-in-law is amazing!! tough guy for sure. and those burgers ... seriously. stop it. I want one for breakfast.

  7. What a great weekend! Sometimes family time is just want you need. And those burgers look delish! Your blog is too cute, following you now :)

  8. I'm so glad you guys had a great time. THose burgers sound great! So sorry to hear about your grandpa. That is heart breaking for sure.

  9. So happy to hear the great news about your FIL!!! I bet you guys had a fantastic day celebrating with him :)

  10. Those burgers look and sound amazing!

    So glad to hear that about your FIL! Hope Grandpa gets to feeling better, I know that is so tough.

  11. I'm always a fan of a yummy burger! :) I hope your grandpa gets better soon!

  12. Looks like fun! I might have to check out that burger recipe...yum! I love it when pins actually work out!

  13. If I wasn't trying to eat clean I would be ALL OVER THESE BURGERS...oh man. Sweet Baby Rays is my weakness lol!

    Glad you got to spend so much time with your fam, girl :)


  14. Aww looks like a great celebration!

  15. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive family. I am going through something similar with my grandmother and it is so helpful to have my family to help me through.

    Thanks for linking up with us. Hope this has been a great week so far!
