
Thursday, June 14, 2012

From Blog to Real Life...

When I saw the idea of this Blog to Real life link up I was torn. I'm such a people pleaser so I had a hard time not including every blogger on here, but Emily did it and I had nothing planned for the blog today so I did it too. Here we go...
Lovely Little Things
1. Do you have any real life blog friends? Yes, but not enough. I try to get all my friends to blog, but they just don't get it. Their loss right? Here are a few that do though...
Courtney and I went to the same church, but had never really hung out or talked for more than a quick hello. Since finding out we both had blogs we became real friends and have been on several double dates with our husbands! She works at Anthro so she is always stylish, she is as sweet as they come and has a beautiful heart for the Lord. Check out her blog Dress up and Twirl. 

Carrie Jo was my college roomie so I know lots and lots about her and you will love her! She always has a fun craft or recipe to share and I love her style. Check out her blog Life of the Liles.
Ellie is one of the sweetest girls I know. She is currently living in Colorado and always has something inspirational to share on her blog. Check out her blog here.

2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet?
Honestly I'd be excited to meet any of my blog friends. I'm so jealous of all the amazing blog meet ups in California. Come on Ohio bloggers let's find someone to pay for sweet prizes and amazing food for us! Or maybe this already exists and I'm out of the loop.

3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid? 
Kendi @ Kendi Everyday. She has an amazing new outfit everyday. Honestly I don't know how she does it, well actually I have an idea because of her genius 30 for 30 remix. I participated in this last summer and it helped my creativity in picking out and creating new outfits from clothes I already had. 

I also love Emily @ MeMe and He's style. She is just trendy without trying to be! She finds amazing thrift store items and somehow always looks adorable in an effortless way!

4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive? 
Obviously I'm going to go with people who are already living on an island. DUH! Katie from Priceless Adventures and Clare from C squared W both in the Caribbean and would be my go to girls for island survival. 

I'd also go with Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds. This girl knows how to pack and adapt as she moves around frequently for her husband's job. 

5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ? 
Emily at Hope Squared was my first blog friend. She helped me see how amazing blogging can be because before her I was just a blog stalker and didn't feel part of the fabulous blog community. We are both obsessed with our cats and we have no shame about it although Basil is much better at wearing bowties than my kitties. Watch this vlog (although Emily hates it) and you will A.) Want to be Emily's friend and B.) Want to steal her bowtie wearing, well mannered cat. Emily is hilarious and whether she realizes it or not is very talented with all this bloggy stuff. I need design lessons ASAP Emily! Go check out her blog now! 

6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?  
I just adore Jennifer Blair. Megan Mackey. and Meg from Henning Love for their beautiful and sincere hearts. These girls all have an amazing heart for the Lord and share it proudly through out the blogosphere. 

7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger? 
Megan at Across the Pond makes me laugh out loud often. Megan says it like it is and I love her for it. Any topic you might think she won't discuss with you, she will. I love how real she is and am jealous that she lives in London! 

8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be casted with you? 
It would have to be someone hilarious and loud since I'm not really either one of if you fill that profile then we'd be a good team. So who wants to start a reality tv show with me? 

9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with? 
Well if you know me at all you know which blogger I would want to swap careers with...Pioneer Woman! If I could stay at home on my amazing ranch and cook for fun I would do it. If you don't know who she is do yourself a big favor and check out her blog. 
10. Favorite blog design?
This is so hard! I'd have to say Scenic Glory because of the vintage feel of her blog. I obviously love her work because I chose her to re-design this here blog back in February. 

I also really enjoy Janell's design from Happ-ily Ever After.


  1. Such a cute link up! I love it! And girl, I hear ya - I love the Pioneer Woman!

  2. What a cute link up! I'm going to check out some of these :)

  3. This is a fun idea! I started my blog after a few of my good friends started theirs. I started reading theirs, then others, and then of course wanted to have my own :)

  4. Wahoo for blogging friends.
    And gotta love PW. She's the shizz!

  5. I would definitely raid Kendi's closet too! She is so ridiculously fashionable :)

  6. No way, no way, no way!! You got to meet Ree?! I'm jealous x100. That is so cool, Allison.

    And thanks for the shout-out! I'd love to be stranded on an island with you girls - especially if that island had a Sandals!

  7. Yay, I'm glad you did this, so fun! And thanks for trusting Katie and I to be stranded with on an island - we would show you all the tricks and Ashley could teach us all some packing tips :) WHAT, I cannot believe you had the chance to meet Ree!!!! So awesome!!

  8. aww this is so sweet... thanks allison! and thanks for visiting me at work today..loved seeing you and you looked gorgeous :):)

  9. So cool! I'd love to be able to meet all my blog friends in real life! We need to make that happen sometime if I come up to cinci!

  10. I can't believe how many of these blogs that I haven't heard of?! WHAT THE HECK! YAY for new reads :)

    So glad that you joined in, girl...thank you!

    AND of course...happy weekend!

  11. What a fun fun blog! :)
    -Erin @

  12. What a fun fun blog! :)
    -Erin @

  13. This is a cool post! I always wish I knew a few more bloggers in real life. There are so many cool ladies out there!
    I know how you feel with the whole meet-up thing. I'm in Maine and I haven't found too many Maine blogs to follow yet, nevermind get the courage to meet up with them!

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