
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A rustic bridal shower

This weekend my family threw a bridal shower for my cousin Carmen who is getting married in just 3 short weeks. Her wedding theme has a very rustic feel so her shower fit in perfectly. Lace, burlap and mason jars were everywhere and since our family roots are tied to Kentucky, the shower had a Southern flare.
On the menu: Burgoo (Kentucky's most famous stew), biscuits and grits. 
Dessert: Derby pie, key lime pie, macaroons and other assorted cookies.
I'm so blessed to have such sweet cousins. The 6 of us have always gotten along and supported each other and it is a beautiful thing. And yes we all have lots of curly hair. This is our traditional "smoosh" picture started a few years ago.
We played games, talked, reminisced, cried, helped Carmen "write" her vows and did a lot of laughing. It was the perfect shower. I can't wait to see my family again in just a few weeks for Carmen's big day!


  1. what a lovely shower!

  2. Awww, I love how close you are with all your gal cousins! I hope my kids have relationships like that one day-- our family is really small and I'm not super close with my handful of cousins.

    Carmen is going to be a STUNNING bride!!

  3. How fun!! I love bridal showers (and weddings!). Cute pics. :)


  4. Such a beautiful shower!! xo Heather

  5. What a beautiful shower, and it's wonderful you have such a close, supportive family!
