
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The day we got engaged...all the mushy details

September 19th will always have a special place in my heart. It was on this day 4 years ago that my sweet boyfriend became my fiance and then 9 months later my husband. Drew is such a thoughtful guy and all that came out in his proposal. I've mentioned it briefly on the blog, but I'm in the mood to gush so I'm telling you again with more pictures and lots more details.
It was a typical Friday. I woke up and pulled out a Bengals jersey from my closet because it was spirit day at the school I was teaching at. I grab a quick breakfast and chat with my mom for a few minutes before heading out the door. (I moved back home for a few months after coming home from college...I highly recommend it!) As I was leaving my mom who is the sweetest woman in the world asks..."Allison are you sure you don't want to change into something nicer?" My mom never tells me I don't look beautiful in what I'm wearing so I was a little caught off guard, but shrugged it off and told her it was spirit day and that I didn't feel like showering so Bengals jersey and pony tail it was.

Drew and I had plans to have dinner with friends later that evening and about an hour before Drew was supposed to pick me up he called and said he needed to run over to check in on his grandma and asked if I could meet him at the restaurant. Sure no I head to Applebee's still wearing my Bengals jersey having not showered that morning and without the slightest idea that Drew was up to something. I get to Applebees and no one I am supposed to meet is there so I sit in the waiting area and wait. Hmmmm. The hostess sees me and asks "Um are you Allison?" I was confused, but admitted I was and he hands me a heart shaped box. Okay people that's when I knew. I was getting proposed to! My heart started beating 1000 times per minute and my hands were shaking as I opened the box and read the letter inside. Meanwhile I was being videotaped by one of Drew's friends (someday I might post this footage, but it is currently MIA.)

I will admit I was confused by the letter at first because my mind was had clues of where I was supposed to go next, but I still wondered if I was meeting people at Applebees for dinner or if I had to move on so I called Drew. Me-"Um hunny what is going on?" Drew-"Babe read the letter it tells you what to do next." Me-"Ok. I'll read it again. Thanks bye." So I read it a third time and figure it out...I was just too excited the first two times to slow down and actually think a thought besides I'm getting engaged tonight. What's an almost engaged girl to do?

As I get in the car I have to remember not to speed then I remember what I'm wearing and I say to myself out loud "I can't get proposed to in a Bengals jersey!" Now I do enjoy the Bengals, but I also enjoy fashion and I especially enjoy pictures (particularly the ones where I actually look good). Thankfully my house was on the way to my next destination...our elementary playground where we ended our first date together 7 years earlier. So yes I sprinted inside (no one was home) ran down to my bedroom and pulled out my favorite fossil dress, sprinted back up the stairs and back in to my car.

I get to the playground and there he is on the swings waiting for me. We make small talk for a minute and then he stands up, walks around in front of me and gets down on one knee.
So here's the play by play taken by my sister in law who was cleverly hidden in some playground equipment. And yes I'm literally jumping up and down with excitement in that picture.
After we got engaged Drew had another waiting surprise for me. We headed to Montgomery Inn where Drew told me that my parents were eating. We got into the restaurant, rounded a corner and walked into a room filled with so many of the people I love and I was completely overwhelmed. I felt so loved and cherished and Drew continues to make me feel that way 4 years later. I'm so thankful for him and to God for allowing us to find each other. And that's the end of my mushy gushy love post.


  1. This is a beautiful engagement story! Just found your blog and think its adorable. Now following along.Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  2. This is seriously the cutest!!! I love the pictures!!

  3. Oh my goodness, I love it! I got chills reading this. So precious! He is such a thoughtful guy! And I love that you ran home to change, haha!

  4. SO adorable!! Happy engagement anniversary. :)


  5. love love love this girl:) what a beautiful reminder that you are SO loved and adored! That's the way it should be! woo hoo...this made my day! love Katie

  6. this is such a sweet post! what a sweet love you two have :D:D:D

  7. Oh Allison I'm so glad you posted this! It made me smile so much!

  8. So sweet, I love hearing engagement stories!!

  9. Those pictures are adorable! Super super cute. What a great story! P.S. Your dress is really cute too.

  10. This is precious. What a good guy and an awesome proposal! :) Love all the pictures. You look so happy!

  11. Allison... Seriously, you are one lucky lady! Your proposal story had me tearing up :) especially the photos where you can see your unbridled excitement!

  12. my favorite part is that you ran home to change :)

  13. ADORABLE!!! Came across your blog today and can't wait to catch up!! love it!

  14. I love good engagement stories :o) That is so sweet that he had a celebration planned with your friends and families afterwards. Wishing you both many more years of happiness!

  15. How adorable!This made my whole day :)

  16. This is precious! My hubby and I are high school sweethearts as well, but nevertheless the moment I realized I was getting propsed to, you would have thought I had never even seen an engagement ring before. Also, you're blog is adorable.

    Happy day-late engagement anniversary!

    Dianna @ Virginia is for Lovers

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This is precious!! Y'all are absolutely adorable!!

  19. this is the sweetest story and i love the pictures! no idea how you managed to look so adorable in such a short amount of time haha - bravo! :)

  20. hey Allison :) I found your blog today .& what gal doesn't like a good love story? I don't know the rules of blog world or if there is a limit/range of time when a comment is acceptable.
    I just had to comment & tell you that your proposal & love story had brought me to tears. Absolutely adorable! Such a thoughtful engagement.:)
    What a great memory to be able to have the pictures from your engagement! Kudos to the sister-in-law :)
    Your love nest is truly full of love!
    Best of wishes! :)

  21. Karen! Thank you for your sweet comment. I tried to find another way to respond to your post, but couldn't find one so I hope you see this. If you have a blog I would love to see it as well. :) Thank you for your comment!!

  22. Aghhhhh!!!! I love this!!! It is so perfect. You look gorgeous and so happy. The photo series is perfect.

