
Friday, January 18, 2013

Fridays's letter...and Floyd!

Dear Baby Kitties, I can't believe you up and took over Sarah's Floyd's blog today. I hope you said really nice things about me and didn't let all your sass shine through. You didn't tell them that we call you really silly pet names, or that we let you drink out of the sink or wave goodbye to you when we leave the house did you?! I love you either way though, really I do. Dear Weekend, Some cat naps are definitely in store for me this weekend, I'm exhausted! Dear Budget, You haven't been that bad...yet. I'm actually learning a lot. Please be nice to me. Dear Erin, I LOVED getting to meet you in real life. We are officially friends and I'm so glad!! No more "my blog friend Erin said..." Oh and you get your own post coming soon so don't be jealous that my cats stole the show today. Dear Season 3 of Downton Abbey, I already love you. Thanks for making me excited about Sunday nights! Dear Super Sweet Husband, Thanks for finishing dinner last night so I could get all my grading done. You are better than Nutella...and that's saying a lot from me. Dear Beer Bread, I've been dreaming of you since our last meeting. I will be making you and then eating you all in the same day. Watch out! Dear Blog Friends, You all truly are the best. Happy Friday!!!


Make sure to stop by Total Basset Case to meet Sarah's dog Floyd and my little furbabies! Floyd enjoys a good cat nap too!


  1. haha cute animals!! My cat finds it necessary to squeeze herself wherever she thinks she can fit! ;)

  2. Saw Bear and Sawyer buddying up with Floyd!!! Such cute Kitties you have. I find mine taking naps in the oddest places.

  3. So SO happy we met too :) Real friends! Yay!!! :)

    I'm not even a big cat person but yours are SO CUTE hehe! I can't wait to see what they're up to over on Floyd's page today!!

    Enjoy your weekend! I'm def planning on a few cat naps myself!

  4. Your cats are so cute! I loved reading their blog post, Floyd is a good boy for letting two kitties take over.

  5. Aww sweet kitties. Love that you wave goodbye to them, I totally do that to my dog too, haha!

  6. Ah, the life of our pets. So glamorous. :)

    Happy Friday!


  7. here from Sarah's blog and your cats are adorable!! My cats don't like to cuddle up with each other too often, but I ahve a simialr pictures when they do end up draped on each other. Cats are cuties and sorry to hear about the cat fight, but glad he's ok!!

  8. love all the animal love! I have always dreamed of having a basset hound, so I'm off to check out her blog!

  9. Adorable blog and I love all the pet love. My puppy is my favorite thing in the world!

  10. Sounds like you definitely deserve some rest this weekend! I have been a bum all day and it was SO SO nice!

  11. New follower! Saw you on total basset case and had to follow you because of your love for cats! I am such a cat person. I have one curled up on my lap sleeping right now.


  12. I just read your guest post over at Total Basset Case and it made me laugh! I have 2 cats and pretty much everything you said about your cats was true for mine. Aren't kitties the best?
