
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Christmas in Numbers

15- Christmases celebrated together as a couple. This year marked Drew and I's 15th Christmas together! This one was definitely one of my favorites. Aiden fully understood the concept of opening gifts and loved being with family to celebrate. He made the lights on the tree more magical, the giving of gifts sweeter and the joy so much greater.

14- New vehicles unwrapped. Aiden asked Santa for cars this year and Santa delivered. We now have more cars, trucks and trains than we could ever possible account for and this kid was excited about each one. After he opened a vehicle he immediately found the nearest chair to test out his vehicle on. So funny.

13-Handprints represented on his Grandma's Christmas gifts. It was so fun to surprise Grandparents with homemade gifts that Aiden helped with this year. We spent quite a bit of time making items to give and it was so sweet seeing Aiden give his gifts that he we worked so hard on.

12- Eggs in our favorite Christmas breakfast. Every year since we have been married, Drew and I have made Blueberry Maple French Toast. It's so good and is something we tend to only make Christmas morning. It is also tradition to eat it while still in our pjs and while watching Mickey's Christmas Carol.

11- Pez in Aiden's new Christmas Pez dispenser from Papa Bear.  Those lasted a whole 5 minutes. He definitely has a sweet tooth.

10- Whole minutes to myself. I think I maybe had 10 minutes to myself on Christmas and that was in the shower, but how can I complain about being surrounded by so many people that love us?! It may take my 35 week pregnant self a week to recover, but it is a wonderful feeling to be needed and wanted.

9- Sugar cookies consumed by Aiden and I. The number of homemade sugar cookies I consumed was a little excessive, but oh so worth it. I hadn't made my Mom's recipe since I have been married and I have missed them. I had some making up to do...

8- Sets of matching Christmas jammies. Every Christmas Eve we get to open a present at my Mother in law's house. It's always Christmas jammies and that always calls for a group picture!

7- The Shoe size of my new Hunter boots from my parents! Other favorite gifts: My Mom Life sweatpants from Ezra + Eli, Naptime is my Happy Hour shirt from Declan + Crew and money to buy a chair for Alder's nursery.

6- Consecutive times listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas CD. I think we just might have to listen to this cd year round. Aiden loves it that much.

5- Of the 6 of us in our sibling gift exchange were vying to take home the Squatty Potty. Haha.

4- Christmases in one day. Our Christmas day is always very full. We start out with our own little family Christmas, then we head to my parents house, then my Aunt and Uncle's and then we end with Christmas dinner with Drew's family. It's always a whirlwind of packing up and unpacking. Presents, hugs and lots of food, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It is a blessing to have so many of our family members so close to us!

3- Gifts remain wrapped under our Christmas tree. Our Christmas morning at home went by quickly and we didn't want to rush Aiden so we let him open and enjoy each of his gifts before opening the next one. That means he still has gifts under the tree to open!

2- Copies of Fantastic Beasts. Somehow almost every year, Drew and I buy each other at least one of the same gift. Usually it's a movie, but this year it was JK Rowling's book Fantastic Beasts.

1-  Last Christmas just the 3 of us. I can't believe this time next year we will have an almost one year old as part of our family. This Christmas was a sweet one, but I know there are many more fun Christmases ahead of us as a family of four!


  1. I think it's adorable that you guys usually buy one of the same gifts! So sweet!

  2. Such a cute way to talk about your Christmas - love this countdown! :) Happy happy Christmas to you and your precious family! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time celebrating together!

  3. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Love the idea of capturing it in numbers! Aiden seems like he had lots of fun, so many vehicles!! :) And next year will be even more fun!! Happy New Year!

  4. Great Post! Your post force me to visualize myself of how to celebrate my Christmas with my closed ones. Congratulate to you for the give way you won! You can get lot of give way from the luli bebe. Stay connected to their facebook and instagram.
