
Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Word for 2017

So many words were swirling around in my head as I thought about what I wanted my word of 2017 to be. I have chosen a word on the crest of each new year for the past 4 years and each word has played a powerful part in shaping my year. Last year I chose courage and my year brought about many trials where I had to choose to be courageous. So I know the word I choose has the ability to shape my whole year.

I already know this year will bring changes as we welcome Alder in just a few weeks and become a family of 4. I know it will be a joy, but also a struggle as I learn to juggle everything while also being a Mama to two little people. I am also in a new position at work where there are things I just don't know yet. So while I contemplated my word this year simply being survive, that just didn't seem right because I want to do more than that.

So my word for 2017 is FIGHT.

Fight for joy in the everyday moments of motherhood

Fight against my fear of inadequacy

Fight my desire to compare with others

Fight my urge to spend money on things I don't need (part time status=budget time people)

Fight to strengthen my marriage

Fight to put God first and make time in a crazy season to spend in His word

See this article for more reasons I felt this word was perfect for me this year.

My word for 2016 was  COURAGE
My word for 2015 was DWELL
My word for 2014 was HOPE
My word for 2013 was THANKFUL


  1. This is a great word for the year! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. What a great choice. I feel like it takes control over that "survival" mentality - a perfect way to spin it around!

  3. I've never picked a word for a year, but if I had picked one last year, I think FIGHT would've been it. Love this post. *hugs*
