
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

If you're pregnant or plan to ever be you need...

2nd Trimester Lifesavers

There have been a few things that I would highly recommend to any pregnant mama in her first and second trimester...

For preventing stretch marks I highly recommend Burt's Bee's Mama Bee Belly Butter. I love it because I'm already a huge fan of Burt's Bees products in general and this belly butter has hardly any scent, which is exactly what I wanted. It goes on light and smooth and doesn't leave me feeling oily. I usually put it on right before going to bed.

For fun I recommend reading Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. It is a quick read and will keep you highly entertained the whole time. I did gain some new information, but mostly it just helps you see that what you are going through is completely normal!

For registering I have heavily relied on the reviews in Baby Bargains. It's overwhelming when you know absolutely zero about what to buy for a baby, but you want the things you buy to be quality. There are so many choices out there and this book helped me narrow down what I wanted. New editions of this book come out each year and it gives brand name reviews, money saving tips and my favorite part is a good, better, best section for each item you might need for your baby. I have used this book for everything I have registered for. It is so easy to use and so informative!!

For comfort I don't think you can go wrong with maternity leggings. These particular leggings are from Gap, but any maternity leggings you buy will be worth it. I plan to wear maternity leggings even long after I'm pregnant. They are the most comfortable things you can put on your legs.

For sleeping you need a pregnancy pillow. The two I heard most about were the Bump Nest pillow and the Snoogle. I heard great things about both so I went with the more inexpensive Snoogle and I love it. It truly helps you sleep more soundly and gives your back and hips more support as your belly grows.

I know there are many more pregnancy essentials, but currently these are my favorite items. What are some of your pregnancy essentials?

You can see my favorite newborn items here


  1. I'm not in maternity clothes just yet but I'm mainly using the maternity band to put around your pants when you keep them unbuttoned!

  2. I used the Burt's Bees stuff too and have no stretch marks! Though I've heard that most stretch marks are genetic and not necessarily preventable; some people get them and some don't. Worth using anyway just in case I think - especially as the bump grows even bigger, it can be a little itchy to have all that skin stretching, and the lotion is nice for that too :) And I just used a regular body pillow from Target (some sort of pillow set up is a must-have for comfort FOR SURE), but I'm tempted by a fancy one like this for next time.

  3. Great suggestions! And I agree...a pregnancy pillow of some sort is an absolute necessity. Although, I'm noticing that every few weeks I have to change it up somehow--otherwise those hips always hurt! Bring on the third trimester! :)

  4. Just pinned this for future reference! Thanks, friend! :)

  5. Do you think the stretch mark cream actually works? I have stretch marks like crazy and didn't try anything to stop them. Maybe I should have!

  6. I need to remember these things. Thanks for the recommendations!


  7. LOVE the Belly Butter! Definitely a favorite in my book too:-)

  8. I'm just a few weeks into my 2nd trimester but no belly to be seen. I'm going to keep Burt's Bees in mind because I love their products and I actually just picked up Belly Laughs from the library yesterday because I keep seeing it show up on these blogger must-have lists! :)
