
Monday, July 7, 2014

Pregnancy Files: {The Bump Week 23}

Once again I've fallen behind with these posts so I might have to squeeze two in this week...

Best moment this week: The bank teller at the bank asking me how far along I was. I was completely shocked because up until this week people don't believe me when I say I'm almost 6 months pregnant and it drives me crazy! Now I'm sure when I'm huge in a few months I'll be wishing I hadn't wished for my belly to grow, grow, grow, but right now I'm so excited when people notice my bump! 

Food cravings: A salami sandwich has been sounding amazing...I do miss the ease of cold lunch meats.

Movement: I'm still feeling kicks and sometimes some flips, which is the weirdest feeling ever.

Symptoms: Still tossing and turning at night, but I did (thanks to many of your suggestions) order a Snoogle off Amazon and I can't wait to get it in the mail.

Nursery: Painting has officially begun! Then in comes all the furniture! We are still looking for a glider/recliner if anyone has suggestions.

Prayer for Baby:
Dear Aiden,
This week I've been busy registering for all kinds of stuff for you and your room. It's so fun to get things in the mail like your crib mattress and then imagine you using them. I can't wait to see what you will look like. Are you going to look like your Daddy? That is my hope although a mini me would be fun too, but we will love you no matter what!
Your Mama

Dear Lord,
Every time a doctor's appointment comes up I get excited, but also very nervous. I'm already learning with this pregnancy how much I am going to have to give Aiden completely over to you. I know you already know and love him more than I can imagine. Help me to cast my cares upon you. Thank you for allowing me to do this.

1 Peter 5:7
"Cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you."

          Week 14 Bumpdate                          Week 15 Bumpdate                          Week 16 Bumpdate 
         Week 17 Bumpdate                          Week 18 Bumpdate                          Week 19 Bumpdate 
    Week 20 Bumpdate                          Week 21 Bumpdate                          Week 22 Bumpdate 


  1. Your almost there!!!! I love that prayer.

  2. Yay for hearing heartbeats again soon!! Yay for sweet baby Aiden! xx

  3. congrats, I' 23 weeks too! You look fabulous :)

  4. You always look so fantastic and fashionable!! I love these weekly updates.


  5. Starting to pop! Cute. It is kind of crazy how long it takes to get to the point when people start asking when you're due...and then how crazy much that bump will grow in the last couple of weeks :) And you're making me miss the kicks and flips a bit - the weirdest feeling, but also the coolest thing.

  6. Pregnant or not, salami sandwiches are always the way to go!

  7. This outfit! I love it! I need you to live closer to me so I can borrow all your cute outfits when I'm pregnant someday! :)

  8. I had the same thing, where when I told people how far along I was, they often didn't believe me! I wasn't showing much even at 20 weeks, so at six or seven months, I wasn't too big, and then had a bit of a pop around eight, I think!

  9. You look AMAZING, friend!!!! :) I bet that is so fun to have people notice and ask you about the little man!! Can't wait to see nursery progress!

  10. You are so cute!!

    I know exactly how you feel..I was the exact same way. The first time a random stranger asked me how far along I was (in Kohls), I had to ask "what." I was in complete shock and didn't know what to say because nobody had asked me lol! IT is so exciting when you finally look pregnant.

  11. Oh my goodness, so darn cute! I love that you and my sister are pretty much right along together. It makes my heart happy :)

    This is going to be so wonderful and special to look back on in the coming years!
