Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Breakfast by firelight

Last night Drew and I decided to make breakfast for dinner. We made Pioneer Woman's sour cream pancakes, bacon and eggs and as we were about to sit down at the table Drew had a brilliant idea. "Babe, let's eat outside and make a fire in the firepit." I of course agreed to this brilliant idea and we took our meal out by our firepit in the backyard (made by us summer 2011).

We enjoyed breakfast for dinner by firelight and it was perfect. I love unplanned moments of bliss with my sweet husband. Don't forget to stop and enjoy each moment with the people you love most.


Lauren Talon said...

I love this!! Those are the best moments :)

Anonymous said...

love it!

Katy said...

Eating outside by the fire is the best. I swear food tastes better when I eat outside.

Natalie said...

What is it about eating around a fire pit that makes dinner all the better?

courtney said...

this is so sweet! i love the little things like this :)

Emily said...

Your husband is seriously the best! I can't believe how romantic he is. Can he pen a manual and pass it on to Steve?

p.s. Can I come visit and have breakfast for dinner with you?

Rach said...

This is absolutely precious! I love it! And the shot of the syrup bottle in your pocket is precious. :)

Sarah @ The Not Quite Military Wife said...

This is the cutest!! And looks like so much fun!

Megan said...

Y'all are so cute!! I'm so glad that y'all had a great little dinner. We need a firepit in our backyard!!

meme-and-he said...

so cute. love your pictures. david and I love having breakfast for dinner, we probably do it once a week! pancakes and scrambled eggs, baby! :)

Beginning with Becca said...

I love your blog so I nominated you for an award!


Amanda said...

Cute! I would do that if I had a fire pit :) Oh, and I love the Polaroid effect on the pics!

Emily said...

where you at lady - I miss you!