Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Derby Party!

Since my mom and her sisters grew up in Kentucky my family has always been big fans of the Kentucky Derby. We watch ever year and usually have Mint Juleps and the staple, Derby Pie. One of my bridal showers was even Derby themed! This year I decided very last minute that I wanted needed to throw my own Derby party to spread the love of all things Southern. I spent all day Saturday talking with my mom and Aunt Lynda about recipes and then cooking authentic Southern foods. YUM! Here's what was on the menu...
None of my friends had ever had Derby pie and let me just tell you if you haven't had it you are missing out!!! I made my grandma's "secret recipe." Derby pie is basically pecan pie plus chocolate and bourbon so yes it is fantastic.
We sipped on Mint Juleps, ate Southern food and cheered for our favorite horses.
After the big race we played one of Drew and I's favorite games that comes from the UK (United Kingdom not to be confused with the University of Kentucky, haha) It is called Kubb.
It turned out to be a fabulous evening and I want to make this a new tradition. Next year hats will be required by all...
Do you celebrate the Derby?


Anonymous said...

how fun!

Megan said...

This looks so fun and you girls look adorable! I didn't celebrate the derby but with I had done a cute party like this - Mint Juleps and cheering on horses? Sign me up :)

LOVE the header for your blog - I'm a huge bird fan and it's adorable.

Brooke said...

This looks like so much fun! I need to plan a themed girly party. I think I need to try a mint julep as well :)

Rach said...

Fun!! I didn't celebrate, but one of my girlfriends and I were talking about having a Derby hat party next year. :)

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

we have never done anything big for derby day ... but i so want to. mainly so that i have an excuse to wear a fun {and maybe ridiculous} hat.

Janell Happ said...

Allison.. I'm seriously SO jealous of your ridiculously awesome looking Derby party!! I think it is so cool that your family is from Kentucky and you sort of payed homage to them and their home state with all things derby. I've never had derby pie but I've heard its fabulous so maybe I should whip up one or two. Hope you have a great day,

meme-and-he said...

how fun! I don't celebrate the derby, but my roommate in college is from Kentucky and one year we went back with her to celebrate. You look so cute in that top and hat!

Betty said...

This looks like so much fun! I've never been to a derby party...but maybe I will have to throw one next year!

Tatiana said...

What a great opportunity to throw a party! Yum! It all looks delicious. And why is it that any dessert with booze in it tastes so much better? I bet that pie is delicious!

Natalie said...

Looks like you all had a fun, festive time! =)

Amanda said...

How fun! I really want a piece of that looks and sounds AMAZING!

courtney said...

SO CUTE!! i wish brian and i couldve made it!!!

Megan said...

Y'all are so cute!! I wish that I was good at throwing parties like this! I would say definitely hats next year! I want to buy one just because they are so awesome!

Selene said...