
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dear 2015

Dear 2015,

So much has happened during our time together. You were full of many of Aiden's "firsts" so you will always be memorable for our little family!  I have watched my sweet, dependent little baby grow and change into an adorable little boy who loves life! It has been a joy to watch.

I had to come to terms with the fact that my blog was going to lack in creativity big time. Instead of creating pretty things and cooking lots of new recipes from my Pinterest boards, I was busy creating memories.  I'm proud that I was able to document all 12 months of Aiden, while also making his baby food myself and finish up a few projects in his room. We went on our first family vacation and had fun showing our little guy all the places we love around our city.

You taught me to be flexible and to choose to keep smiling through the crazy. I've learned to not sweat the small stuff. So instead of being upset that my son is covered in oatmeal from head to toe because he wants so desperately to feed himself, I laugh. Instead of being frustrated that my house is now Aiden's jungle gym, I choose to smile because I won't always find toy cars in my shoes. One day I will wish for this so I'm not going to wish it all away.

You were full of more changes and some heartbreak, but you helped remind me to rely on God for everything.  He is in control and He is good. That's all I need to know.

Here's a look back at some of my favorite projects, events, recipes and discoveries in 2015...

DIY Baby Food
Nursery Photo Wall
Nursery Storage/Baby's 1st Library

Gilmore Girls (how had I never watched this consistently before?)
Amazon Mom
Library Storytime
Childhood Time Capsule

As I sit here reflecting on all that happened this year, I want to burst. My cup is literally overflowing with thankfulness. Thank you for another full year of blessings that are too numerous to count. I can't wait to see all that 2016 has up it's sleeve!


  1. Oh what a wonderful year! I hope your 2016 is just as amazing!

  2. Happy New Year! Goodness, your 2015 was so full and blessed and fun. I hope 2016 is all you want it to be too!

  3. So many beautiful things from your 2015. I know all about the hard parts though. Man, those can be tough. One day at a time, right? Hope this new year blesses you aplenty!
