
Monday, February 22, 2016

{Baby Approved Meals} Sweet Potato + Lentil Puffs

I have had so much fun planning and pinning meals for Aiden to eat as he grows. Now that he is a big one year old, he pretty much eats what we eat, but I love sharing recipes that I've made along the way in the hopes that some of you can use them for your little ones too. And if you don't have a little one, these are a healthy and delicious snack for anyone!

Aiden loved these when he was first starting to pick up food on his own and they were easy to pack up and take on the go as a snack. They are baby and Mama approved.

1 Medium Sweet Potato (peeled + chopped)
1/2 cup Lentils
1/4 cup Frozen Peas
1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese
1 carrot (grated)
1 egg (beaten)
Olive oil

1.) Add lentils and 1 cup of water to a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Simmer until lentils are soft.
2.) Steam the Sweet Potatoes until soft (I used the steam feature on my BEABA Baby Cook)
3.) Add Drained Lentils and Sweet Potatoes to a large bowl and allow to cool.
4.) Add the grated carrot, cheddar cheese and beaten egg to lentil mixture and mix.
5.) Stir in the Frozen Peas.
6.) Preheat oven to 400 degrees then form mixture into small balls/puffs. Place on greased baking sheet.
7.) Brush the tops of the sweet potato puffs with olive oil
8.) Bake approximately 30 minutes, turning the puffs a few times throughout the cooking time to ensure they cook evenly.

Other Baby Approved Meals:
Original recipe found here.


  1. Thanks for sharing these! Question: what is a lentil and where would I find them at the store?

  2. These look good! I've never ever made lentils.
