
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Dear 2016 {Year in Review}

Dear 2016,
I know many people can't wait to see you go, but you really were good to us. We learned so much about the strength of our family unit, which is a beautiful thing. It was a year of team work as Drew was in classes and also working full time and I was doing the job of two people after my boss was let go. It was chaotic and at times very stressful as we still wanted to create fun family memories and also be productive, but we learned more about balance and about sacrificing for one another.

Despite the crazy, we managed to squeeze in a few family vacations and learned to support one another in the midst of chaos. In the last month, Drew has finished school and I went part time at work so things are finally settling down just in time to gear up again in January as we become a family of 4! That has to be my favorite post of 2016...announcing our growing family!

We watched Aiden go from baby to toddler and hit more and more milestones. It's crazy that this very time last year, Aiden took his first steps and now the kid doesn't stop. This year we said goodbye to Wubbanubs and multiple naps in a day. We said goodbye to one word phrases and babble and hello to a tiny man who is now talking up a storm and who always has a plan! I was able to blog a few "day in the life" posts here and here and I blogged about a few of my favorite things about Aiden at age 2 in this post. We have loved seeing his personality grow and evolve.

I did not blog many new recipes or manage to post about any of the DIY projects that I did, but I did manage to read almost 30 books, take Aiden on lots of adventures and host a few fun parties that I am proud of.

Here is a look back at a few of my favorite posts, events, recipes and discoveries of 2016...
It's no surprise that all of my favorite posts this past year have to do with motherhood. 2016 taught me a lot about balancing work, my marriage and my role as Aiden's mom. I know 2017 will only have more lessons to teach me as I become a Mom of two little ones! My biggest take aways as a Mom from this past year...just embrace the mess and soak up every single snuggle.

We got to take several family trips this year. We went to South Carolina, Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana and had lots of fun adventures exploring around our hometown. We also celebrated Aiden turning 2 and finding out the gender of baby 2!

This year I focused my energy on trying to make Aiden healthy food that he would actually eat. I mostly failed, but found a few things he liked most days. This is something I am still working on for 2017...operation don't be a Sous chef and get Aiden to eat what we eat! Here are a few recipes he liked for at least a day. Haha. Oh toddler life...

This year I was more active in a Mom's playgroup and discovered all kinds of toddler friendly places to take Aiden. (My favorite local Fall festivities for kids are below). One of Aiden's favorite things to do this summer was go to the splash pad so my husband created his own version of a splash pad for our backyard. It was a hit! I also discovered a few new companies and continued to shop small for all my Mom gear.

Thank you 2016 for all the adventures and the many unexpected gifts. I can't wait to meet the newest addition to our family in 2017 (Alder Jacob) and watch Aiden as a Big Brother. We are already expecting big things from 2017.

Happy New Year!


  1. I'm glad 2016 was a good year for you guys even with some crazy times. I'm sure you will love being part time next year!

  2. Happy 2017 friend! It's going to be a good one!

  3. What a great loo back! I've got to check out this "Brush Your Teeth" song. Happy New Year Allison!

  4. Oh friend, what an amazing year 2016 has been for you guys! I'm so excited for all the joy that 2017 will bring you guys as well with the addition of Alder!
