Sunday, February 10, 2013


Friday night was just what I needed... Drew and I went and picked up Sushi from Kroger and picked out a bottle of wine from our favorite local winery. Then we added chocolate ice cream to our shopping cart and headed home.
And since we are both kid's at heart we decided to put on the Lorax, which I had heard good things about (probably from my second graders, but who cares!) We loved it! I laughed out loud quite a few times. Have you seen it??
                                                                 Source: via Allison on Pinterest


Rach said...

Yes! I loved the Lorax!! It was so cute!

Erin said...

Perfect night :) Sushi from Kroger is always so good!!!

I haven't seen Lorax yet but have heard it's super cute. I love a good Disney/kids flick :)

Brittany Kyte said...

'miso-happy' teeheehee! that cracked me up! what a great way to start the weekend :)


Unknown said...

Sounds like a perfect night in! Way to fancy it up with sushi and wine :)

Megan said...

Sounds like the perfect night!!! :)

Megan said...

Sounds like the perfect night!!! :)

Anonymous said...


A Brew of Blessings said...

How was the movie!? I haven't seen it but the kid in me wants to ;)